Project 4 – Workshop Cabinet

Posted by on Nov 30, 2016 in Complete Woodworking | One Comment

Make This Workshop Tool Cabinet

resources for the project described in my book ‘Complete Woodworking’.

make this workshop cabinetThis project was included mainly to demonstrate modern cabinet making techniques. If you can make this cabinets you can make a kitchen!

Obviously the dimensions of the cabinet can be varied depending on your situation. In my workshop I have positioned the cabinet in a corner so the right hand door opens against a wall. I have fitted a chisel and screw driver rack to the inside of the door. This means the door can be left open without sticking out into the room and the tools removed from the rack easily. I would have liked to include in the book instructions on making this rack, the middle shelf is narrow to cater for this, but space constraints defeated me. Space is not so limited here so this is a link to instructions on making a simple tool rack.

The interior arrangements can also be varied depending on the sort of work you do. You may want to have two rows of drawers perhaps. I have included the optional adjustable shelf and will give details on fitting this soon.

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Thankyou, Chris.


1 Comment

  1. Chris Tribe
    31st January 2017

    Questions, ideas, comments on the workshop cabinet project?

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