Message from Chris Tribe - Please read
Following my retirement at the end of March 2021 I will sadly not be teaching any more courses.
However there are alternatives:
- You could watch some of my FREE ONLINE WOODWORK INSTRUCTION VIDEOS. Not an online woodwork course as such but they cover many of the topics that are featured on my courses and are arranged into categories and a logical sequence for you. To access them click here or click the videos tab at the top of the page.
- Nick Thompson, who is taking over my workshop when I retire, has started teaching short courses with a view to eventually offering a wider suite of courses. The courses he has taught so far have been very well received, I have been impressed by some of the work coming from them (it takes a lot to impress me!). I would recommend that you take a look at what Nick is offering by going to . I am sure Nick would be pleased to discuss options if you find the Wharfedale Workshop interesting.
“For me to have come on the course with no skills at all and to have left with that beautiful table still astounds me”
Chris Tribe Woodworking & Furniture Making Courses
Welcome to my website. After thirty years of furniture making and teaching I am hanging up my tools.
For many years I have been filming instructional videos to post on Youtube, gaining over 13,000 subscribers and over 2m views. I think they are a useful resource, especially for new woodworkers. So the courses I am no longer teaching remain on the website but with links to relevant videos which I think may be helpful. There is also a new video page entitled Free Online Woodwork Instruction where I have organised the videos into categories.
> Browse a Furniture Making or Woodwork Course
> What’s it like on a Chris Tribe Woodwork Course?
Looking for my Complete Woodworking Book resources? – click here
“I thoroughly enjoyed the course and as an introduction to what I now know will be a very rewarding hobby it was perfect.”

Beginners Furniture Making & Woodworking
If you’re new to woodwork, why not join me and three other students to embark on a journey into furniture making on my four day beginners course. The first day is devoted entirely to hand working, we flatten and dimension a rough sawn board with a hand plane and go on to cut a mortice and tenon joint. Hopefully you will have been so impressed at how sharp the workshop tools are and how much easier woowork can be if the tools are sharp that you will want to know a bit more about sharpening. So the second day concentrates on sharpening and maintenance of chisels and planes. In the last two days you will put your new furniture making skills to use to make an oak table, using both hand and power tool techniques.
Similar topics were covered in my two day weekend courses tool sharpening and maintenance weekend and basic jointing weekend.

“The 4 day beginner furniture course was an amazing experience”
Experienced & Advanced Furniture Making & Woodworking
My improvers or advanced courses were designed for those who wanted to go beyond the basic woodworking skills . The most popular being make your own workbench and router skills
The veneering and laminating and chair making courses were for those wanting an extreme woodworking challenge.
“I used my shooting board this morning and when I measured the resulting surface, it was dead on square… this was a skill you taught me. Since spending a couple of days under your watchful eye my tools are usually razor sharp, my joints much more carefully marked out and the resultant work much better than I was used to turning out.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed the two days and have come away enthused and encouraged that I can produce better work. Thank you for your time and patience.”
Supporting our adopted charity
The poverty ridden slums of Kampala in Uganda is the location for a carpentry training centre for young people trying to survive there. The centre is run by Kids Club Kampala, a charity that I am proud to support.
Through the matched course fee charity levy I and my students who previously attended a course have donated over £16,000 to the charity.